Originally refers to the losers of a hockey game, who, in pre-Zamboni times, would have to hose the rink down once the game was done. Im going to use a few of these phrases for my school international fair! It can also be a derogatory term for supporters of the Bloc Quebecois. Usually, the entertaining statement is funny in some way, but Ive seen it used kind of like lol where you just dont really have another response. Its more likely that if you hear someone say they are going north, they mean north of their current location. Newfoundland. Example: "I've never snowboarded off a jump before, but I'm just gonna give'r!" Double-Double It means a coffee with two milks and two sugars, but can only be used at Tim Horton's. Not soda! Our Sasquatch is said to be in British Columbia. This is our most popular Canadian sayingthat we receive the most flack about from the rest of the world. To be sloshed is to be drunk. Unless youre actually trying to deliver a Canadian insult, theres only one thing you say when someone bumps into you, and thats Sorry. The classic apology can mean anything from sincere acknowledgement of a mistake to passive aggressive annoyance. Hey guys! Ive always loved language. If you lose one in a lawn mowing accident or to frostbite, send it over to the Yukon and theyll put it to good use. Captured below are some of the most popular quotes that will make you smile. Generally speaking, these are Canadian slang terms used across the country. Anything other than "Sorry" when you bump into someone. Canadians will say Im going to University. Thanks for the information Zach. Drinking Miller you pussy!!!!! Eh? is sort of our equivalent of saying right? or you know?. Its basically two loonies, so we came up with toonie. And thats your whole world right there. Funny Cowboy Sayings. We catch ourselves saying it all the time. Well, with you swearing by them Ill give them a shot next time I make it up that way; perhaps its like Coke, a different formula overseas .-= Shannon ODs last blog ..A Little WarmthA Wee Bit of Irish Hospitality =-. There are very few, rural areas that you cant. However, you should never drink river or lake water anywhere in the country! So true! We always joke that in Ontario we get our beer and the beer store, liquor at the liquor store and when growing up we got our pop from the pop shop! These are some of the most popular Canadian words and phrases used as slang. Some have a French Canadian influence. Buddy/ Bud On the east coast predominantly (but also heard nationwide), buddy is a way to talk about a person without using a name. By far the silliest word for currency on the planet is the name of the Canadian dollar coin. If you make a purchase using one of these Amazon links, I may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. If you are a regular who watches this series, then certain phrases from the show will not shock you. We have a lot of Canadian slang, so Ill be dividing these into categories to make them easier to understand. This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Ive tested it with friends and everyone agrees it is pronounced JAGD not JAG ed as in the adjective. If I hear one more person say Oh your Canadian, do you go oot and aboot? Im going to sock it to em in the nose. And I know in the US, students will identify themselves as a Senior, or Sophmore. dont use the word BY in america dont forget if its pronounced bi , in america that term is short for bisexual (person who is attracted to both genders) =] so becareful with that word in america newfies btw idk if u guys use it but in my island region in the florida keys we use O instead of or like EX: would you like a coke O some pepsi? we also use Pok kinda like pork but just take the are away we use it to refer to pig products like bacon and porkchops EX: would you like some Pok for breakfast? Just to confuse the issue further, in America they have candies called Smarties, but they are what we call Rockets in Canada those sourish compressed sugar discs that come in rolls. I use all of those except for take off. It is in fact a real human toe thats been mummified or preserved. In Western Canada they say "bicycle" or "bike". This post is hilarious. Many Canadian food chains have also used the term to describe a "double" menu. Despite its obvious similarities to the word "cousin," this phrase is more general. Welcome back to my channel! Another one would be, When Im done this show or when Im done this product., etc. Its a very old term that has mostly fallen out of fashion. Unless you're actually trying to deliver a Canadian insult, there's only one thing you say when someone bumps into you, and that's "Sorry.". I wrote a bit of a write up about you two on my blog as well, along with a link to this post. For example, it may be 28C, but with the humidex it feels like 35C. Theyre most common in the Prairies, though Saskatchewan and Alberta debate the i vs. o. Tim Hortons is mediocre coffee that we are all mysteriously addicted to. That is until you see the coin. Ahhha! So lets dive in to learn the most popular Canadian slang words! , Closest youre gettin to any action this weekend is givin the dairy cows t**ts a good scrubbin. They have no chocolate in them. I actually live in Scotland but I have Canadian relatives on my dads side and Id move there in a heartbeat. [1] [2] By the 1850s, the spelling with a "C" became predominant. yes, I think that Dante may have thought this was about words in general, which is ok with us. 2 0 obj F**k you, Jonesy, your life is so pathetic I get a charity tax break just by hanging around you! Nina Out and About contains affiliate links and is a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I explained that once she gets there, shell have to learn Canadian and she could then say that shes bilingual. Smarties were introduced by Rowntree of York in 1882. These abbreviations are for the longer form government names for our liquor stores. For hostels, I use Hostel World. Turn left (Larry) or right (Roger). no. For example, if we disagree, well say no lah. I find a lot of this familiar. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! We say only 50 clicks to go. Last Updated: February 25, 2023 If you enjoyed these Canadian sayings and Canadian slang terms, save this to Pinterest for future vocabulary fun! I am going to get a 2-4 of Canadian at the Beer Store, do you want anything?, Yes, we buy our beer at the Beer Store in Canada and a box of 24 beers is simply shortened to the words two four.. Or when in university, a 1st year or 2nd year student. Kilometers is pretty long when you think about it. This is an older Canadian term. CBC Qs host Tom Power is a notable traitor that way, he boasts about saying zee, when he ought to be ashamed for promoting it on national radio. If not, make sure to show your partner that you appreciate their time by sending them a thank-you note. Yes, not D.C. Is there a way to write it phonetically? And hoser is a popular one as well. You know? Canadians (or at least southern Ontarians) say it like soe-ry and I know that some other places say it like sah-ry. Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling. But when an American pronounces those words, there is a huge difference. History of American Slang Words. Another term I had no idea was very Canadian-specific! If you are one of those people who get adult jokes, then this should be a show you purpose to watch, especially because it is relatable and easy to identify with all the characters. Same with merry, Mary, and marry. Twenty-sixer, by the way dont just stop at the 2-6. We use the terms so simply that people barely register them. lol. Its not the original any longer. I believe it originated in Ontario. Now its become more synonymous with nerd, but it has an affectionate sound to it so its less offensive. Instead of saying Lets go!, we say lets go lah. One win. Mickie is used a variety or places, though it is an older term that ive hear in old movies, Thong is used all the time in Australia and NZ, I nknow some Americans who say hoser, I heat take off all over the place, as with sasquatchm yak, francophone and Kraft Dinner though a lot of people have also taken to calling it KD. (This applies to most provinces, but not Quebec, which has a slightly different school system. I got all of these off another website so they may not be true (I just assumed). http://www.ibackpackcanada.com/2009/06/unique-canadian-words-phrases-planetd.html. . Im with you, Im having a nap and a shower:). Most people not from Canada can figure out what most of the slang means. my grandma also calls couches CHESTERFIELDS! They also have ketchup chips in some markets. Its not the same as whole milk, so we came up with a short form. Did ya get a tracking number? Edmonton. Fun article but many manyof the claims in the comments are not solely Canadian. In Alberta the Convenience stores or corner stores used to be called Confectionary. A derogatory term that has nothing to do with our meat production and everything to do with how the rest of the country felt about us hyping ourselves up. 9. swordfishtrombonez. This term is starting to gain traction in Ontario, but its got its roots in the East Coast. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. This will help you sound more Canadian. Now it's a synonym for "loser" but with a particularly Canadian flavour. Even though Canada and the United States are both part of North America, Canadians still call residents of the United States Americans. They dont really have a slang term for their neighbors to the south. I do love my Tim Hortons Doughnuts! For example, you can use it when something is incredulous. Thats not Canada talking there. http://english.stackexchange.com/questions/6521/what-are-the-important-differences-between-canadian-and-american-usa-english, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/discover/section-13.asp, http://grammar.yourdictionary.com/slang/canadian-slang-by-region.html, http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/michelle-butterfield/canadian-prairies-words-slangs_b_4166204.html, http://www.strategiesinlanguagelearning.com/movies_to_learn_language/. Anyways . You may have noticed I just snuck in an apology above. Its become part of our daily language. So naturally, we all decided to call it a Loonie. Thanks for the input. Commonly used Canadian-English Slang and Phrases -To ace (something) - to do something really well, or perfectly ^I aced my exam this morning _ -a-game - your best effort/performance, used with 'to bring' ^Mike brought his a-game at basketball last night _ -All nighter - to pull an all nighter, to stay up very late or all night I pulled an all nighter It has no relation to their actual appearance. A toque is a knit winter hat like a beanie. They are usually brightly painted and have quite a low seat with a very high back and thick arms. We love our hockey almost as much as we love our Timmies. [1] If your phone doesnt work in Canada, I recommend getting a Canadian SIM card so you can get around and stay in contact with loved ones. Now before visiting Canada, you can practice your use of the word eh and fit right in once you get here. To learn more, like how to use online resources to practice Canadian slang, read on! For example, Qubec does not speak English and won't have many expressions originating from British Columbia. Or get free accommodations with Trusted Housesitters! It might be I go to the U of R. With a multicultural society centered around the simple things in lifeleisure, friendly competition, and politenessit's no coincidence these are reflected in the common tongue. I think its fascinating how terms develop and change over time and across borders. Habs fans are everywhere and theres nothing funny about the most storied team in NHL history. (I am proudly 1/2 Canadian my Mom was born in 1915 in the small town of Vankleek Hill in NE Ontario. You asked about more slang. toronto slang insults. Americans called it Zee 28 and thats just weird. In MY Boy is dead, a moving poem by tour great WW1 poet H Smalley-Sarson, I read this line : THe day he got his Blue. If you tripped, you biffed it. , Youre pretty good at wrestlin there, Katy, and thats what I appreciate about you. 3. Hi Dave by is pronounced like bye with a short e (not pronounced haha)there is also a nice mix of eh by. It refers to the citys Ukrainian population apparently. In the winter, Canadians break out their toboggans or sleds to go tobogganing down snowy hills. Accents and slang develop differently in each city and province, creating a great tapestry of Canadian dialects. Join 10,000 others who get our weekly emails! Wonder if she put that shes bilingual on her resume. Means take it easy. However, its very commonly referred to, even by Canadians, as being Canadian slang. It is needed because Alberta can be extremely cold in the winter. They find it hilarious for reasons I cant quite figure out. Lol! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,101,656 times. Just be sure you dont put any stink on the word; as annoyed as you might be, its important to say sorry without sounding like youre trying to start something. Bob and Doug Mackenzie made it famous in the 70s and it ended up taking of eh.