Normalizing the Conversation, Tips for Building the Perfect Charcuterie Board, The Going Gray Makeover: Gray Hair and Makeup Tips, Zero-Waste Makeup: 5 Eco-Friendly Products for A Sustainable Beauty | Revolution Gray, Finding Love in Your 50s | Revolution Gray, Low-Key Ways To Ease Back Into Exercising As You Age | Revolution Gray, Fitness After 50: 10 Must-Have Items To Kick-Start Your Fitness Routine in 2023. My hair is past shoulder length and I was a natural redhead so no matter how much dying I do, it immediately shows and truly doesnt ever look natural anymore. wonder when/if I will! So, taking that and this blog as a cue that maybe now is the time. Scientists don't know exactly why some people go gray early, but genes play a large role. I filled my head with knowledge and my heart with self-love.And it changed my life!!! Black Hair. . This sit and wait it out method worked well for me. : Expert Advice & Inspiration from a Former Color Addict. Do it! So, I do not think it will be a good idea to apply semi or demi permanent color with the expectation that it will just fade out to your gray hair. hope that goes silver soon! I have never loved my hair more. To begin with, it was a trend that was spurred on by the pandemic. Im gonna go really short soon. How did you do it? Check out my first 18 months here. Don't worry your friends come around eventually. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. How Tarla Went Silver the Easy Way Using Wigs! I'm going to go grey/silver again this is my second time letting it grow in. Cold turkey, shave, partial color, and strip color and add toner. What about all the stares? I cant wait for my hair to go even grayer/whiter and hope to enjoy the continuing journey. Total $275. Make sure you feel strong enough to deter the most negative comments.Im hardheaded, so when I make up my mind to do something, its going to happen. Every four weeks it was time for a touch-up. i guess i am afraid to give that up- personally and professionally. Rachel, research coordinator at UC San Diego. Susan's journey, told with honesty and humor, takes you through her own adventure of ditching dye, of questioning the . I explained that my other stylist had told me I did not have enough grey at that time to color itshe picked up a mirror, held it over my head and said, Look at your rootsI think you have enough grey now. Im Lisa, the founder of TNK,an ethical lifestyle site for women. We went with a variety of light shades of brunette with warm blond/red highlight/lowlight tones over the years. I look at this blog every night when I come home from work. So liberating to let go of colouring. Yes, there is always going to be that one person with an opinion but that person's opinion really has nothing to with you but their own issues. What happened to my hair! Those are some of the online and offline activities that help women with gray hair thrive and live their lives to the fullest! Groups like The Gray Book helped so much providing support and inspiration. #greyhair #grayhair #goinggray #over50beauty Gray Pixie Haircuts. But there I was dying my hair again and again. xo, Lisa. The connection I have found in social media is surreal sometimes! I'm glad I joined this website. I consider myself a non-conformist. There are so many labels based on appearance, people are quite critical toward others and themselves . I put some thin bleached stripes down my part. I luv Jamie Lee Curtis's short grey hair and I think I'll look like her when it's all grown out. Our first step was to create a convention, #SILVERCON, that will be happening in July of 2020 in L.A. And, I still wouldnt have the color I was expecting! The reactions now are significantly more positive than negative to my grays. Let me tell you, with the conviction of a thousand men and in my deepest heart of hearts I just knew I would NEVER stop dying my hair. I would get compliments all the time on the gray!!!! (BTW, look at all the women walking around with a grey growth line. This is the first time visiting the web site.. Good luck to change. My name is Lisa. The next fastest is a pixie cut. Keeping your hair cut and styled is extremely important. I will be 55 the end of the month. Super liberating!!!! I am truly enjoying the process and have decided to cut off the dyed hair, thus embracing who I am. Silver Sisters Community supports womens transition to self-acceptance, as well as the #GrayHairMovement, in general. Hahaha! But its always there if I need it. Like Ginny, I am amazed at how dark my natural hair is, and how pretty the silver is. If your hair is already a few months into the transition. I had been coloring my hair every 3 weeks for over a decade. Whether you choose to do highlights and blending along the way or just go cold turkey and grow it all out naturally, some days are simply better than . That was a mistake; it played weird with my new growth and left a stain even after washing it tons. Right now I am at 7 weeks and for me the roots color is a cool shade while my blonde is brassy. Thank you @bree. Cold turkey is when you simply do nothing and grow out your colored hair to it's natural gray. I really wish I could just have waited a little longer. Silver Grey Hair Dye. I no longer worry about what others think, I have fun creating sassy looks, and I have more confidence than ever before. I would rather cut it a little shorter and continue through with the transition or get tired of the skunk look and dye it again. I have just decided to take the advice of this blog and go natural grey today. My brunette identity was important to me and I . Bec Wilson. So happy you have this blog as it has convinced me to just do it!!!! These are just two of the benefits Ive discovered while transitioning to gray hair but Ive detailed out 18 more in this video! What changed? There h. Documenting the first 18 months with photos, products I used and more! and so now I have made the determination.I am two weeks into it. I felt so freefree of the shackles of colorfree to be the real me. Rize Province has a mild climate with high precipitation and fertile soil.. August 31, 2020 (updated December 19, 2022). she has a short pixie cut and it looks great. You can read a more complete list on that on the blog post: How Do You Transition from Dyed Hair to Your Natural Grey Hair. In many places, it still is, for men at least. Watch. It was literally; WTF am I doing??!! Please ladies, understand how that looks!!! And I'm not saying it's my way or the highway. I decided to go gray but I am feeling torn. Like every time I walk last a mirror or look in my rear view mirror I am like, holy cow! I intend to keep going like this till all the old dye is out which probably another year or so and then I will have grey tones put in, my hair cut shorter (although not sure about that one) and then leave it alone and grow old gracefully. ! NO!! She was 45, it was hard at first but then it got easier. I still have a 10, 12, 14 and 16 year old. We believe that by simply CHOOSING, we can make a positive impact on our health and the health of the planet. Never found someone to support my idea of going gray. I am so upset as I was just getting my hair into a nice bob length, all one colour, and now I have to start all over growing out my grey.arghhh. Its like being pregnant in your first trimester where you just feel fat but you dont look pregnant yet. I'm 72 years old, healthy, people often mistake me for early 60's. If you dont have any of that, consider joining The Gray Book. The dark and silver are coming in full blown now. I get compliments often on my color! SITE CREDIT. Salon Transition. The amazing women in my life tell me every day how stunning and sophisticated I look. Color correction, cold turkey, shave your head, try a pixie.Whatever floats your boat. I have had the same effect throughout my life with regards to not wearing makeup. If you have the same ideas about feminine beauty and want to join our community of like-minded women, visit our community of silver sisters ( and follow us on Instagram. Your email address will not be published. Covering my grays was fun at the beginning. (Yes, I know "pain" is relative, but those two inch grey roots with dark hair is pretty rough - trust me). I have absolutely no regrets. He looked me right in the eye and said, You should totally do it.. I have three adult children, recently reduced my working hours and met the man of my dreams two years ago. I'm in month 2 going cold turkey and building confidence as I go. Somebody needs to read this today. Going gray cold turkey (i.e., without help from a salon) is a popular way to transition to gray hair as it is inexpensive and doesn't damage your hair. Im 5 months into transitioning to my natural color. Wig Method. So thankful and inspired from all these comments. I am embracing aging in very apparent way. Try low-lighting or highlighting your hair to blend in your new growth with your existing hair color. Keep reading for more of my going gray story or jump to my going gray before and after pictures here! The idea that different countries have different standards of beauty is a widely accepted one. For women who want to go gray cold turkey or who have always used hair color from a box at the drugstore, Vaczi and Crosby offered some tips. This past 2-3 months has been a very good exercise in patience and humility. Im not. She explains why she chose to go grey cold turkey and keep her hair long, and her favorite grey hair products. Another poster mentioned that one had to change their color palate, but that's fun and I don't mind. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome! And it's been a blast! I stopped dyeing my hair because I think it just didnt look good anymore. And dont give a f#ck what other people think. I think the important thing here is to create a social conscience rooted in respect for other humans, to eliminate labels and break beauty taboos. I too have long hair and dont want to cut it, but I may. I've been dying my hair since the age of 21. I didn't get a great reaction from my hair dresser, so have stopped going there, and currently looking for somewhere new. Im still young looking, but Im in my forties now. No matter how dressed up I get, I never wear makeup. So I'm doing it. As I said, I planned to retire when I turned 52 meaning a cut in pay, so, in August, I asked my stylist, what approach we needed to take to allow the grey to take over. However, my stylist keeps telling me she cant add silver or grey, so Dianne Farb, what did your stylist add to help you with the transition? See, I was never really a girly girl, and primping, and time spent doing so, just annoyed me.I saw many young girls coloring their hair grey. Passionate about clean beauty, organic eats and nontoxic lifestyle, Lisa writes to create awareness. Hey, ladies! One day I caught myself fantasizing about going gray. We kept it pixie short for about 6 months. Agree with all about transitioning painful. Domestic production. Turned 50 this year and have lost some weight and just decided its time to be healthy and fit. The thing that really helped was browsing pictures of other brave women who took the step and let their silver shine. Instagram / @brizzolando. PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. Happy Wednesday ladies. There's a fair amount of dark blonde-y, brown-y hair mixed in with the streaks of silver, but the more . I started with blond. Do the Full Transition to Gray Hair your way. will often in their eagerness to please over promise and under deliver. If you have wavy or curly hair, rock it! PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD, PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. I'm glad there are so many of us to lend support to each other! houston police scanner frequencies, legal services commissioner v yakenian, cobra cast fracture,